NameObtained FromUsed For
Adventurer's Horse Crate 10,000 Gold - Purchase from NPC EzraContains:
Adventurer's Horse (Mount)
Ancient CurseCombine:
Tattered Curse (Piece 1)
Tattered Curse (Piece 2)
Tattered Curse (Piece 3)
Tattered Curse (Piece 4)
Trade With NPC Zil
Ancient HexCombine:
Tattered Hex (Piece 1)
Tattered Hex (Piece 2)
Tattered Hex (Piece 3)
Tattered Hex (Piece 4)
Trade With NPC Zil
Bait Kit- Purchase from NPC Yorvik (5g / ea) Cooking - Item
Bat WingDrop:
- Cave Bat
Quest: Aging Fur Trapper (Step 11)
Birch Boards Carpentry - Item Carpentry
Birch Log Woodcutting - Nodes Carpentry - Item
Bitter Pellet Cooking - Item- Fishing Bait
Black WoolDrop:
- Black Sheep
Tailoring - Item
Black Wool Fabric Tailoring - Item Tailoring
Blessed Doll(Event: Winterforge '23)
Stolen Nice List
Innocent Doll Pattern
Event Quest: Blessing Friends / Cursing Enemies
Event Quest: Weary Plea
Blood of CanisDrop:
- Canis
Carpentry - Weapon
Quest: Vengeance (Step 1)
Blood Offering Cooking - Item

- Trade with NPC Zil (175 Lumin Shards)
- Magic Bait (Canis)
Blue FireworkEvent: Dryad Festival (1st Anniversary)
- Trade with NPC Linden (4 Dryad Blossoms)
- Fire and celebrate Heartwood's first anniversary!

These are temporary event items that are only available while the Dryad Festival is active.
Bluegill Salmon FishingCut to receive one of:
- Orange Fish Meat
Boar Guardian Offering Cooking - Item- Monster Bait (Razorback)
Boar TuskDrop:
- Boar
- Warthog
- Razorback
Carpentry - Weapon
Quest: Aging Fur Trapper (Step 5)
- Skeletal Worker 1
- Skeletal Worker 2
- Skeletal Miner
- Skeletal Dog
- Skeletal Mage
- Skeletal Prospector
- Bones
Leatherworking - Item
Blacksmithing - Weapon
Quest: Aging Fur Trapper (Step 7)
Quest: Greenflock Resupply
Bone Dust Leatherworking - Item Leatherworking - Item
Broken Wagon Wheel Fishing- Junk
Clam FishingOpen to receive one of:
- Pearl
- Clam Meat
Clam Cubes Cooking - Item- Fishing Bait
Clam MeatOpen container:
- Clam
Cooking - Item
Coal Mining - Nodes
Blacksmithing - Item
Blacksmithing - Item
Cobalt Bar Blacksmithing - Item Blacksmithing
Cobalt Ore Mining - Nodes Blacksmithing - Item
Copper Bar Blacksmithing - Item

Rusty Strongbox
Copper Ore Mining - Nodes

- Skeletal Worker 1
- Skeletal Worker 2
- Skeletal Miner
- Skeletal Prospector
Blacksmithing - Item
Cotton Herbalism Tailoring - Item
Cursed Doll(Event: Winterforge '23)
Stolen Naughty List
Sinful Doll Pattern
Event Quest: Blessing Friends / Cursing Enemies
Event Quest: Slothful Request
Day Dreamer's PoemOpen container:
- Message in a Bottle
Combine with:
- Sailor's Song (2/3)
- Fisherman's Tale (3/3)

(To form Salty Anthology)
Deer Guardian Offering Cooking - Item- Monster Bait (Elder Stag)
Delicate Leather Leatherworking - Item Leatherworking - Armor
Dog ToothDrop:
- Skeletal Dog
Quest: Aging Fur Trapper (Step 10)
Dryad BlossomEvent: Dryad Festival (1st Anniversary)

Drop From:
- Dryad Blossom

- Dryad's Bloom Quest (Several Parts)
- Trade with NPC Linden for fireworks

This is a temporary event item that is only available while the Dryad Festival is active.
Durable Leather Leatherworking - Item Leatherworking
Empty Can Fishing- Junk
Exotic Bait Kit- Purchase from NPC Yorvik (100g / ea) Cooking - Item
- Vulture
- Blight
Carpentry - Weapon
Quest: Aging Fur Trapper (Step 6)
First Starbloom Crown GiftboxEvent: Dryad Festival (1st Anniversary)
Event Quest: Dryad's Bloom
Open to receive:
First Starbloom Crown (Cosmetic)
Fish BarbDrop:
- Stone Jaw

Cutting Fish:
- Sweetwater Catfish
- Thornspine
Blacksmithing - Weapon
Carpentry - Armor
Carpentry - Fishing Rod
Cooking - Item
Fish Resin- Purchase from NPC Yorvik (500g / ea)- Recipe(s)
Fisherman's TaleOpen container:
- Message in a Bottle
Combine with:
- Day Dreamer's Poem (1/3)
- Sailor's Song (2/3)

(To form Salty Anthology)
Flimsy Leather Leatherworking - Item Leatherworking - Armor
Forest Critters Mount BoxDrop:
- Several Different Monsters (Not listed)
Contains one of several mounts.
See Mounts for list.
Foul Blood Bait Cooking - Item- Fishing Bait
Fragile Leather Leatherworking - Item Leatherworking - Armor
Fur Trapper Horse Crate Quest: Aging Fur Trapper (Step 12)Contains:
Fur Trapper Horse (Mount)
Gin Berry Herbalism Cooking - Item
Gluttonous Elven Stash(Event: Winterforge '23)
Event Quest: Slothful Request
Open to receive:
Voodoo Essence (100)
Gold FireworkEvent: Dryad Festival (1st Anniversary)
- Trade with NPC Linden (6 Dryad Blossoms)
- Fire and celebrate Heartwood's first anniversary!

These are temporary event items that are only available while the Dryad Festival is active.
Graceful Leather Leatherworking - Item Leatherworking - Armor
Green FireworkEvent: Dryad Festival (1st Anniversary)
- Trade with NPC Linden (3 Dryad Blossoms)
- Fire and celebrate Heartwood's first anniversary!

These are temporary event items that are only available while the Dryad Festival is active.
Grizzled SteakDrop:
- Doe
- Buck
- Stag
- Elder Stag
- Boar
- Warthog
- Razorback
- Sheep
- Ram
- Black Sheep
Cooking - Item
Hardened ScaleDrop:
- Stone Jaw

Cutting Fish:
- Pebblefin
- Stoneglade Trout
- Thornspine
- Rockscale Bass
Cooking - Item
Carpentry - Fishing Rod
Blacksmithing - Weapon
Blacksmithing - Armor
Heavy Cotton Fabric Tailoring - Item Tailoring - Armor
Heavy Leather Cord Leatherworking - Item Leatherworking
Hexweave Fabric Tailoring - Item Tailoring
Horse Mount BoxDrop:
- Several Different Monsters (Not listed)
Contains one of several mounts.
See Mounts for list.
Humble Elven Stash(Event: Winterforge '23)
Event Quest: Blessing Friends / Cursing Enemies
Event Quest: Weary Plea
Open to receive:
Voodoo Essence (50)
Innocent Doll Pattern(Event: Winterforge '23)
- Naughty Elf
Combine with Stolen Nice List to form:
Blessed Doll
Iron Bar Blacksmithing - Item

Rusty Strongbox
Iron Ore Mining - Nodes Blacksmithing - Item
Kor DyeTrade With NPC Zil:
Lumin Crystal (10)
(Cosmetic / Wardrobe)
- Clothing Dye
Lace Fabric Tailoring - Item Tailoring
Leaf Minnow FishingCut to receive one of:
- White Fish Meat
Leather OilN/A Leatherworking - Item
Light Cotton Fabric Tailoring - Item Tailoring - Armor
Light Leather Cord Leatherworking - Item Leatherworking
Linen Fabric Tailoring - Item Tailoring
Lost Hunter's SackDrop:
- Doe
- Buck
- Stag
- Boar
- Warthog
- Vulture
- Elder Stag
- Razorback
- Blight
Contains One Of:
Love Letter
Promise Ring
Cutting Board
Hunting Knife
Hunter's Broadsword
Vagabond Harp
Lost Recipe: Barbed ChakramDrop:
- Stone Jaw

Open container:
- Message in a Bottle
Blacksmithing - Weapon
Lost Recipe: Pearl WandDrop:
- Stone Jaw

Open container:
- Message in a Bottle
Carpentry - Weapon
Lost Recipe: Sparkling LasherDrop:
- Stone Jaw

Open container:
- Message in a Bottle
Carpentry - Weapon
Lost Recipe: Stonescale BrutalizerDrop:
- Stone Jaw

Open container:
- Message in a Bottle
Blacksmithing - Weapon
Lost SoulDrop:
- Overseer
Quest: Vengeance (Step 2)
Love LetterContainer:
Lost Hunter's Sack
Quest: Final Words
Lumin Crystal Quest: Vengeance (Step 1)
Quest: Vengeance (Step 2)
Quest: Obelisk Crystal
Trade With NPC Zil:
Lumin Crystal (10) Kor Dye (1)

Quest: Skeletal Steed
Lumin ShardDrop:
- Skeletal Worker 1
- Skeletal Worker 2
- Cave Rat
- Skeletal Miner
- Skeletal Dog
- Cave Bat
- Skeletal Mage
- Skeletal Prospector
- Bones
- Canis
- Overseer
- Mining (Bone Mine) - Tungsten / Platinum
Quest: Obelisk Crystal
Magic Blueprint: Bone SplinterTrade With NPC Zil:
Ancient Hex (1)
Blacksmithing - Weapon
Magic Blueprint: Loyalty of CanisTrade With NPC Zil:
Ancient Hex (1)
Carpentry - Weapon
Magic Blueprint: MemoriamTrade With NPC Zil:
Ancient Hex (1)
Carpentry - Weapon
Magic Blueprint: Overseer's GraspTrade With NPC Zil:
Ancient Curse (1)
Blacksmithing - Weapon
Magic Blueprint: Pillar of BalanceTrade With NPC Zil:
Ancient Hex (1)
Carpentry - Weapon
Magic Blueprint: Radiant ProtectorTrade With NPC Zil:
Ancient Hex (1)
Carpentry - Armor
Magic Blueprint: Spinal RecurveTrade With NPC Zil:
Ancient Curse (1)
Carpentry - Weapon
Magic Blueprint: Spinal TapTrade With NPC Zil:
Ancient Hex (1)
Blacksmithing - Weapon
Magic Blueprint: Temporal WillTrade With NPC Zil:
Ancient Curse (1)
Carpentry - Weapon
Magic Blueprint: Wrath of CanisTrade With NPC Zil:
Ancient Hex (1)
Blacksmithing - Weapon
Magic Pumpkin(Event: Halloween '23)
Pumpkin Bag
Royal Pumpkin Bag
Event Quest: Pumpkin Festival Fiasco

- Consumable: Eating will turn your skin green for 5 minutes.
Magic Recipe: Black Wool UshankaDrop:
- Greenflock Private
- Greenflock Sergeant 1
- Greenflock Sergeant 2
- Greenflock Lieutenant
- Black Sheep
Tailoring - Armor
Magic Recipe: Bone BladeDrop:
- Skeletal Worker 1
- Skeletal Worker 2
Blacksmithing - Weapon
Magic Recipe: Bone HarpDrop:
- Skeletal Miner
Carpentry - Weapon
Magic Recipe: Carrion's CryDrop:
- Vulture
- Blight
Carpentry - Weapon
Magic Recipe: Elder CrownDrop:
- Elder Stag
Blacksmithing - Armor
Magic Recipe: Forest Guardian Headdress Woodcutting Tailoring - Armor
Magic Recipe: OppressorContainer:
Weapon Crate
Blacksmithing - Weapon
Magic Recipe: Ritual StaffContainer:
Weapon Crate
Carpentry - Weapon
Magic Recipe: Swine FuryDrop:
- Warthog
- Razorback
Carpentry - Weapon
Magic TokenUnlocking a duplicate cosmeticRedemption Uncertain (Coming Soon!)
Mandrove Boards Carpentry - Item Carpentry
Mandrove Log Woodcutting - Nodes Carpentry - Item
Maple Boards Carpentry - Item Carpentry
Maple Log Woodcutting - Nodes Carpentry - Item
Meatball Bait Cooking - Item - Purchase from NPC Yorvik (12g / ea)- Fishing Bait
Medium HideDrop:
- Sheep
- Ram
- Black Sheep
Leatherworking - Item
Message in a Bottle FishingOpen to receive one of:
- Day Dreamer's Poem (Page 1/3)
- Sailor's Song (Page 2/3)
- Fisherman's Tale (Page 3/3)
- Lost Recipe: Barbed Chakram
- Lost Recipe: Pearl Wand
- Lost Recipe: Sparkling Lasher
- Lost Recipe: Stonescale Brutalizer
Mystic Thread Tailoring - Item Tailoring
Mythril Bar Blacksmithing - Item Blacksmithing
Mythril Ore Mining - Nodes Blacksmithing - Item
Oak Boards Carpentry - Item Carpentry
Oak Log Woodcutting - Nodes Carpentry - Item
Obsidian Bar Blacksmithing - Item Blacksmithing
Obsidian Fragments Mining - Nodes Tailoring - Item
Obsidian Ore Mining - Nodes Blacksmithing - Item
Old Boot Fishing- Junk
Orange Fish MeatCutting Fish:
- Stoneglade Trout
- Thornspine
- Bluegill Salmon
Cooking - Item
Palm Boards Carpentry - Item Carpentry
Palm Log Woodcutting - Nodes Carpentry - Item
- Stone Jaw

Open container:
- Clam
- Recipe(s)
Pebblefin FishingCut to receive one of:
- White Fish Meat
- Hardened Scale
Pecan Boards Carpentry - Item Carpentry
Pecan Log Woodcutting - Nodes Carpentry - Item
Pine Boards Carpentry - Item Carpentry
Pine Log Woodcutting - Nodes Carpentry - Item
Platinum Bar Blacksmithing - Item Blacksmithing
Platinum Ore Mining - Nodes Blacksmithing - Item
Plush Leather Leatherworking - Item Leatherworking - Armor
Pumpkin Bag(Event: Halloween '23)
Drop - Any Monster
Contains One Of:
Magic Pumpkin
Pumpkin Necklace
Pumpkin Ring
Pumpkin Staff
Pumpkin Festival Dye (Cosmetic)
Pumpkin Hat (Cosmetic)
Spectral Steed (Mount)
Pumpkin Festival Dye(Event: Halloween '23)
Pumpkin Bag
Royal Pumpkin Bag
(Cosmetic / Wardrobe)
- Clothing Dye
Purple FireworkEvent: Dryad Festival (1st Anniversary)
- Trade with NPC Linden (4 Dryad Blossoms)
- Fire and celebrate Heartwood's first anniversary!

These are temporary event items that are only available while the Dryad Festival is active.
Radium Bar Blacksmithing - Item Blacksmithing
Radium Ore Mining - Nodes Blacksmithing - Item
Ram HornDrop:
- Ram
Quest : Aging Fur Trapper (Step 12)
Rat TailDrop:
- Cave Rat
Quest: Aging Fur Trapper (Step 9)
Recipe: Blood Offering- Purchase from NPC Zil (1 Lumin Crystal)- Learn once to unlock ability to craft Blood Offering
Recipe: Foul Blood Bait- Purchase from NPC Yeddy (1200g) after completion of Salty Angler Quest- Learn once to unlock ability to craft Foul Blood Bait
Recipe: Soul Offering- Purchase from NPC Zil (2 Lumin Crystals)- Learn once to unlock ability to craft Soul Offering
Recipe: Spectral Fish Bait- Purchase from NPC Yeddy (1200g) after completion of Salty Angler Quest- Learn once to unlock ability to craft Spectral Fish Bait
Recipe: Stone Jaw Offering- Purchase from NPC Yeddy (3000g) after completion of Salty Angler Quest- Learn once to unlock ability to craft Stone Jaw Offering
Red FireworkEvent: Dryad Festival (1st Anniversary)
- Trade with NPC Linden (3 Dryad Blossoms)
- Fire and celebrate Heartwood's first anniversary!

These are temporary event items that are only available while the Dryad Festival is active.
Reindeer Headdress Giftbox(Event: Winterforge '23)
Event Quest: Reindeer Headdress
Open to receive:
Reindeer Headdress (Cosmetic)
River Guardian Offering Cooking - Item- Magic Bait (Stone Jaw)
River Koi FishingCut to receive one of:
- Shiny Scale
- White Fish Meat
Rockscale Bass FishingCut to receive one of:
- Hardened Scale
- White Fish Meat
Rodent PeltDrop:
- Bunny
- Jackrabbit
- Cave Rat
- Cave Bat
Leatherworking - Item
Quest: Aging Fur Trapper (Step 1)
Royal Pumpkin Bag(Event: Halloween '23)
Drop - Any Monster
Contains One Of:
Magic Pumpkin
Pumpkin Necklace
Pumpkin Ring
Pumpkin Staff
Pumpkin Festival Dye (Cosmetic)
Pumpkin Hat (Cosmetic)
Spectral Steed (Mount)
Rugged Leather Leatherworking - Item Leatherworking
Runeweave Fabric Tailoring - Item Tailoring
Rusty KeyDrop:
- Skeletal Worker 1
- Skeletal Worker 2
Opening Rusty Strongbox
Rusty StrongboxDrop:
- Skeletal Worker 1
- Skeletal Worker 2
Contains One Of:
Copper Bar
Iron Bar
Steel Bar
Camping Knife
Blessed Cudgel
Battered Longsword
Nimble Harp
Mining Helmet
Mining Boots
Ancient Glaive
Sailor's SongOpen container:
- Message in a Bottle
Combine with:
- Day Dreamer's Poem (1/3)
- Fisherman's Tale (3/3)

(To form Salty Anthology)
Salty AnthologyCombine:
- Day Dreamer's Poem (1/3)
- Sailor's Song (2/3)
- Fisherman's Tale (3/3)
Quest: Salty Angler
Shimmerling FishingCut to receive one of:
- White Fish Meat
- Shiny Scale
Shiny ScaleDrop:
- Stone Jaw

Cutting Fish:
- Shimmerling
- River Koi
- Recipe(s)
- Silk Worm
- Baby Silk Worm
Silk Fabric Tailoring - Item Tailoring
Silk Thread Tailoring - Item Tailoring
Sinful Doll Pattern(Event: Winterforge '23)
- Naughty Elf
Combine with Stolen Naughty List to form:
Cursed Doll
Skeletal Steed Crate Quest: Skeletal SteedContains:
Skeletal Steed (Mount)
Small Game MeatDrop:
- Bunny
- Jackrabbit
- Vulture
- Blight
- Cave Rat
- Cave Bat
Quest: Aging Fur Trapper (Step 2)
Cooking - Item
Soft HideDrop:
- Doe
- Buck
- Stag
- Boar
- Warthog
- Elder Stag
- Razorback
Leatherworking - Item
Quest: Aging Fur Trapper (Step 3)
Soul Offering Cooking - Item

Trade with NPC Zil (1 Lumin Crystal)
- Magic Bait (Overseer)
Spectral Fish Bait Cooking - Item- Fishing Bait
Stag RackDrop:
- Stag
- Elder Stag
Blacksmithing - Armor
Quest: Aging Fur Trapper (Step 4)
Steak Bites Cooking - Item- Fishing Bait
Steel Bar Blacksmithing - Item

Rusty Strongbox
Stolen Naughty List(Event: Winterforge '23)
- Naughty Elf
Combine with Sinful Doll Pattern to form:
Cursed Doll
Stolen Nice List(Event: Winterforge '23)
- Naughty Elf
Combine with Innocent Doll Pattern to form:
Blessed Doll
Stoneglade Trout FishingCut to receive one of:
- Orange Fish Meat
- Hardened Scale
Sturdy Leather Leatherworking - Item Leatherworking
Sweet Fish Paste Cooking - Item

Quest: Salty Angler
- Fishing Bait
Sweetwater Catfish FishingCut to receive one of:
- Fish Barb
- White Fish Meat
Tattered Curse (Piece 1)Drop:
- Cave Bat
Combined with 3 other Tattered Curse Pieces to form:
Ancient Curse
Tattered Curse (Piece 2)Drop:
- Cave Bat
Combined with 3 other Tattered Curse Pieces to form:
Ancient Curse
Tattered Curse (Piece 3)Drop:
- Skeletal Mage
- Skeletal Prospector
Combined with 3 other Tattered Curse Pieces to form:
Ancient Curse
Tattered Curse (Piece 4)Drop:
- Skeletal Mage
- Skeletal Prospector
Combined with 3 other Tattered Curse Pieces to form:
Ancient Curse
Tattered Hex (Piece 1)Drop:
- Skeletal Worker 1
- Skeletal Worker 2
- Cave Rat
Combined with 3 other Tattered Hex Pieces to form:
Ancient Hex
Tattered Hex (Piece 2)Drop:
- Skeletal Worker 1
- Skeletal Worker 2
- Cave Rat
Combined with 3 other Tattered Hex Pieces to form:
Ancient Hex
Tattered Hex (Piece 3)Drop:
- Skeletal Miner
- Skeletal Dog
- Bones
Combined with 3 other Tattered Hex Pieces to form:
Ancient Hex
Tattered Hex (Piece 4)Drop:
- Skeletal Miner
- Skeletal Dog
- Bones
Combined with 3 other Tattered Hex Pieces to form:
Ancient Hex
Thick HideUnknown Leatherworking - Item
Thornspine FishingCut to receive one of:
- Orange Fish Meat
- Fish Barb
- Hardened Scale
Thread 350 Gold - Purchase from NPC Geraldo

Tailoring - Item
Tailoring - Armor
Leatherworking - Armor
Tin Bar Blacksmithing - Item Blacksmithing
Tin Can FishingOpen to receive:
- Worms (varying amounts)
Tin Ore Mining - Nodes Blacksmithing - Item
Tungsten Bar Blacksmithing - Item Blacksmithing
Tungsten Ore Mining - Nodes Blacksmithing - Item
Voodoo Essence(Event: Winterforge '23)
- Naughty Elf
Event Quest: Reindeer Headdress
Event Quest: Winterforge Reindeer
Vulture Guardian Offering Cooking - Item- Monster Bait (Blight)
Wanderer's Horse Crate 500,000 Gold - Purchase from NPC EzraContains:
Wanderer's Horse (Mount)
Weapon CrateDrop:
- Skeletal Worker 1
- Skeletal Worker 2
- Cave Rat
- Skeletal Miner
- Skeletal Dog
- Skeletal Bat
- Skeletal Mage
- Skeletal Prospector
- Bones
- Canis
- Overseer
Contains One Of:
Blessed Cudgel
Battered Longsword
Magic Recipe: Oppressor
Magic Recipe: Ritual Staff
Ceremonial Beads
Ceremonial Crucifix
Ancient Longsword
Wet Blueprint: Hardened Scale Shield- Purchase from NPC Yeddy (5000g) after completion of Salty Angler Quest Blacksmithing - Armor
Wet Blueprint: Shiny Scale Shield- Purchase from NPC Yeddy (5000g) after completion of Salty Angler Quest Carpentry - Armor
Wet Blueprint: Spiked Scale Shield- Purchase from NPC Yeddy (5000g) after completion of Salty Angler Quest Carpentry - Armor
White Fish MeatCutting Fish:
- Leaf Minnow
- Pebblefin
- Shimmerling
- Sweetwater Catfish
- Rockscale Bass
- River Koi
Cooking - Item
Wild Turnip Herbalism Cooking - Item
Willow Boards Carpentry - Item Carpentry
Willow Log Woodcutting - Nodes Carpentry - Item
Winterforge Reindeer Giftbox(Event: Winterforge '23)
Event Quest: Winterforge Reindeer
Open to receive:
Winterforge Reindeer (Mount)
WoodNo Longer Acquired Blacksmithing - Item
Wood BoardsNo Longer AcquiredN/A
Woodpecker BeakDrop:
- Woodpecker
Tailoring - Armor
- Sheep
- Greenflock Private
- Ram
- Greenflock Sergeant 1 - Greenflock Sergeant 2
- Greenflock Lieutenant
Tailoring - Item
Wool Fabric Tailoring - Item Tailoring - Armor
Worm- Picked from ground
- Purchase from NPC Yorvik (4g / ea)
- Open Container: Tin Can
- Fishing Bait
Yarn Tailoring - Item Tailoring - Armor
Leatherworking - Armor